Tuesday, September 9, 2008

HR Catch 22

Strategic HR
To add value and deliver results, HR needs an opportunity to work in partnership with senior management. But, this can only happen if HR first proves that the department adds value.

Board Seat
To make a contribution, HR needs a board seat. But, this can only happen if HR first makes a tangible contribution.

HR Leadership
To change the image and status of HR, highly ambitious and competent leaders must join and work in this field. But, this can only happen if the status of HR is first transformed.

Attracting Talent
To attract talent, a company must establish itself as an up-and-comer and a great place to work. But, this can only happen if the company has great talent from the beginning.

To be promoted, an employee must prove essential skills required for a higher position (managerial role). But, this can only happen if s/he is promoted or at least challenged first in order to learn and grow (job stretch).

HR Investment
To invest in HR, an entrepreneurial company must reach financial stability. But, this can only happen if the company invests in HR (e.g. founder’s time, effort, and approach to managing people) in the first place.

Trainer-Training Company-Client
To understand the client’s training needs and be able to quote appropriate and accurate trainer fees, the trainer must be engaged by the training company and involved in the sales process with the client. But, this can only happen if the trainer fees between the trainer and training company are agreed upon beforehand.

Staff Appraisal
Staff appraisal forms are designed for reluctant managers but they are least likely to use them effectively. Instead, good managers fill out the appraisal forms properly and precisely but in general are the ones who do not need them. (Paul Kearns, 2003).

Employees who do not enjoy learning and training look for excuses as not enough time in order to avoid participating in development initiatives. Instead, employees who enjoy and value training rarely miss a day of training and oftentimes are the ones who need it the least.

When your HR performance system is ineffective, low performers are most likely to stay onboard even though you generally would like them to leave. Instead, high performers who you would like to hold on to and retain are the ones most likely to leave.

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