Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All Talk

Over the past couple of days, I read several articles on “employee retention” in China based on research data with insight into why employees stay or leave.

In short, employees are simply looking for sound interpersonal relationships, a healthy organizational culture, a sense of contribution, and opportunities to learn and grow; all of which have been considered primary retention drivers (fair compensation is classified as a secondary retention driver).

One can assume that many companies in China under deliver on these factors because of the rising attrition rates and relatively short average tenure of employees (about two years) and leaders (between 1-2 years).

Even so, when providing recommendations to subdue the attrition problem in China, the authors advise to “select the right people”. Accordingly, the candidates should be the right fit to the job, the organization, and the leadership in order to increase retention.

Yes, this is a significant challenge to find talent that not only has the skills, experience, and knowledge, but also does not mind a poor relationship with his/her boss, weak leadership, lack of recognition for their contribution, growth opportunities, and dull work.

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